niche blog MLM

Why You Need a Niche Blog as a Network Marketer and How to Create One

More and more network marketers understand the value of becoming an influencer to build their network marketing businesses. It allows them to brand themselves, grow their network by helping people, and become a relatable expert. A niche blog is an effective way to become an influencer in your field. Not only that, but you can use your niche blog to diversify your income. In this post, I will explain why a niche blog is important for network marketers and how you can create your own niche site.

Why You Need a Niche Blog

Niche blogs are not only helpful for network marketers, they are the future of blogging. NIche sites are the most effective strategy for network marketers to brand themselves as an expert, get the needed blog traffic and diversify their income.

A Niche Blog Brands You As An Expert

Branding yourself as a network marketer is how you can grow your business without chasing leads. Once you become an expert in your niche, people reach out to you for information. You won’t need to send random messages to strangers to try and make connections. Instead, you will receive emails and comments from people who want your help.

A Niche Blog Helps You Get the Right Traffic

It’s a fact of blogging that to make an income from your blog, you need traffic. If you don’t talk about what you sell and if nobody sees your posts, you won’t be making money. NIche sites are a powerful way to stand out in the blogging world and get this much-needed traffic. The reason they are more effective than just any Website (like the ones most network marketers create with their names as the URL) is that they are specific enough to help you rank on Google. It’s no secret that ranking on Google takes time, consistency, and basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Niche sites stand out because they cover the same topic over and over from different angles. Google likes that.

A Niche Blog Allows You to Diversify Your Income

As a network marketer, you want to make connections and help other people by promoting your products and your opportunity. Yes, your niche blog will enable you to do that. Furthermore, it will enable you to diversify your income. Niche sites make good money through ads and affiliate products on top of your MLM business. Once you set up your niche site, you will be able to earn thousands of dollars a month in passive income that’s unrelated to your MLM business.

How to Create Your Niche Blog

Are you convinced that a niche blog can help you build your MLM business? if so, let me help you get started.

Pick the Right Niche

How do you pick the right niche? As a network marketer, you need to consider your network marketing business when you pick a niche. If you want to sell your products, you need to pick a niche that is congruent with your products. How are you going to sell supplements on a travel Website? You most likely won’t. When you pick a niche, you have to think about what you are interested in writing about, but most importantly, you need to make sure enough people are researching your topic on the Internet. Moreover, you need to make sure that the competition is low to moderate. Spend some time researching on Google to find out what sites are ranking in your niche ideas. Are these sites very well known? Are they huge names? If so, it’s probably not a good niche to pick. Read How to Pick Your Niche Blog Topic in 3 Simple Steps for more info.

Set Up Your Self-Hosted Niche Site

If you have never had a self-hosted blog before and have no idea how to go about doing this. Don’t worry, I have you covered! I created a 30-minute workshop that will take you step-by-step through the process.

Plan Your Content

You will not rank on Google if you do not write content that can possibly rank. You need to understand keyword research. The best free keyword research tool you can possibly use is Ubersuggest. What you need to do is enter some keyword ideas in the search bar and see what kind of volume these keywords get each month. The best way to plan your content is to write multiple articles about similar topics in your niche. When you pick your keywords using Ubersuggest, look at keywords that don’t have too much volume. The more volume, the more competition. For example, if you look up the keyword “niche blog”:

You see that the keyword has a search volume of 720 a month. For new sites, I usually recommend you pick keywords with a volume of less than 500 a month, but once in a while, I try to rank with slightly more popular keywords and see what happens.

The bottom line: Do your keyword research and plan a lot of content around similar keywords. Moreover, write content that aims at solving your audience’s problems using your products. As I mentioned, if you want to sell your products, you have to talk about them in the context of your blog posts.

Optimize Your Posts for SEO

Once you know which keywords you are using to rank on Google, you need to optimize your posts for SEO. SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”. Search engines scan your posts of the keywords people type in their search queries. You need to make sure your keywords appear in your posts often enough for Google to determine that your article is worth showing in the rankings. I have been using the Yoast SEO plugin to optimize my posts so far. It seems to be working, I am getting excellent results, particularly on my Fasting Website.

Scale Your Content

You need to create a lot of quality content to gain traffic to your blog. The volume of traffic you can generate to your niche site can make all the difference between a successful business and no business at all. Typically, you can start seeing the snowball effect of increasing traffic after you have written at least 100 blog posts on your niche blog. Now, you can see how important it is to keep writing and writing consistently. If you write only once a week, it means it will take at least two years to see meaningful traffic to your site. Think about that and plan your schedule accordingly.

In Summary

As a network marketer, a niche blog will help you make sales for your MLM business on autopilot. It will also help you grow your influence and diversify your income. It is important you pick a profitable niche that is congruent with your network marketing products. Then, you will need to produce enough content to gain the needed traffic to your niche site. Make sure you talk about your network marketing products in your blog posts. Write blog posts that solve problems by presenting the products your MLM company offers. Then, rinse and repeat!