Network Marketing Influencer

7 Reasons Why Network Marketing in 2020 is About Becoming an Influencer (and How You Can Become One)

Forget about prospecting friends, family, and random strangers! Network marketing in 2020 is about becoming an influencer. If you have been in network marketing for any length of time, you may have seen these six-figure earners who decide to switch network marketing companies. They were making good money in their previous company and, somehow, they still manage to bring enough followers with them to grow their new business to unprecedented levels.

These stories remind us that the business is not so much about the products or the company, it’s about the people. In this post, I will share 7 Reasons Why Network Marketing in 2020 is About Becoming an Influencer by showing you what successful network marketers and influencers have in common. And let me reassure you, you can become an influencer. I am going to show you how.

1- Influencers and Successful Network Marketers are Branding Themselves

Network marketers who succeed in their business fast already have influence and are well known in their network. If you don’t have any authority, don’t worry! Learn to brand yourself. Become an influencer!

What does this mean? First, let’s talk about what it doesn’t mean: it doesn’t mean making your social media presence all about your network marketing company. Instead, set yourself apart by focusing on the value you can bring. Think of what you do well or what you enjoy doing. Think of how you can inspire others by showcasing these skills.

Is there something practical or inspirational that you do every day? Maybe your morning routine? Maybe it’s working out or reading books? Share your journey, tell about what you are learning through it.

In this article from Forbes, you will learn that branding yourself involves knowing who you are and who you are not. You don’t need to pretend to be the expert. All you need to do is to take your audience on your journey. Learn more about branding yourself in my post How to Pick a Profitable Niche for Your Online Business.

Learning how to become an influencer, means learning to inspire people and caring about how you can help them. You can share this on social media, but even better, start a blog, a podcast or a YouTube channel. You don’t need to become Taylor Swift to be an influencer, but it’s a good idea to grow an engaged audience somewhere.

2- Influencers and Successful Network Marketers are Problem Solvers

Your audience will be more likely to take your recommendations seriously if you help them solve their problems. Think of the people you want to attract and the struggles that they may be facing. Usually, the people you want to attract are a version of you 5-10 years ago. Look back at the challenges you had to overcome and how you did it. Help your audience through these challenges by providing content to walk them through it step-by-step.

3- Influencers and Successful Network Marketers Understand Social Media Marketing

Yes, although I believe you should grow a mailing list if you take your business seriously, I understand that many influencers and successful network marketers are rocking social media without a mailing list. How do they do it? They understand social media marketing.

Social media marketing is about the six other points in the post, of course, but it’s also about knowing to promote your products the right way. To market your products effectively, focus on the benefits rather than the features. Showcase them in everyday life to help your audience visualize themselves using the products. Another effective strategy is to create curiosity. Talk about what you are experiencing but leave some details out so people will ask you questions. For example, you could tell the success story of a friend and not mention how she achieved these results (I am so happy for Betty! She was able to lose 5 pounds last week! This system works!!!). Also, make sure you provide value 80% of the time. The other 20% can be to promote your products in the right way, in the context of everyday life.

4- Influencers and Succesful Network Marketers Focus on Providing Great Content

Now, that’s one of my favorite points! You can spend hours networking on social media to grow your network marketing business, or you can spend these hours creating content. This content will yield results for years to come. I would much rather spend my time creating content than sending random DMs, what about you? If you want to learn to be an influencer, you have to figure out what content your audience needs and create it.

5- Influencers and Successful Network Marketers Don’t Send Random DMs

It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be networking on social media. Read this post to learn to do it effectively. You can reach out to people of course, particularly if they would be an excellent fit for your business, but you need to make sure you are sending these DMs wisely. Not everyone who breathes is a good prospect. Believe it or not, I used to send DMs to all my new followers. When I complained about how time-consuming and ineffective it was, I was advised to automate the first DM. Terrible idea! Influencers and successful network marketers don’t send random DMs to all their followers. If you want to succeed, observe those who succeed.

By focusing on becoming an influencer, you are attracting people to you, so that you don’t need to spend your time sending random DMs to your followers to invite them to watch your video or join your opportunity.

6- Influencers and Succesful Network Marketers Are Consistent

Nothing happens overnight, but many of us tend to think it should. When we don’t see results right away, we give up. I follow a network marketer on Facebook who has built her business using live videos on her business page. She talks about how she went live at least weekly for a year with nobody watching her videos before she starting seeing results. Now, she is a six-figure earner. Her business is growing fast and her influence is increasing. Find one thing that you can be consistent doing and focus on that. Make sure you stay consistent. It could be live videos, IGTV, podcasting, blogging, etc. Pick one and run with it.

7- Influencers and Successful Network Marketers Keep Growing their Influence

In 2020, network marketing doesn’t have to be about hustling. By staying consistent in providing value, you will grow your influence. Find what makes you unique and share what you know with the world. If you don’t do these things yet, be prepared for a huge learning curve ahead. It will take time, no overnight success here. However, becoming an influencer to grow your network marketing business will ensure you more long-lasting results. You will be able to have multiple streams of income, and your future will not depend on that of your company.

Learning how to become an influencer to grow your network marketing business will take time. While you are working on it, keep an eye out for influencers in your niche, particularly micro-influencers (less than 10,000 followers on Instagram). Get to know them, follow them for a while and see if your business opportunity would be a good fit for them. Consume their content, share their content, create content about them. If you decide that they are a great match, send them a DM. Tell them why you decided they should promote your products, how they are a good fit. Offer to send a video to share more info.

In Summary

To grow your network marketing business in 2020, you don’t have to chase leads and spend hours networking online. Instead, learn how to become an influencer by creating content people need. Make sure you pick your niche wisely and focus on solving problems in your niche. To learn more about using social media to grow your network marketing business the right way, read How to Grow Your Network Marketing Business on Instagram.

how to become an influencer